Have You ever lost a charm product That implied a lot to You?

Yeah, totally. A few times, but the one that stung the most happened back when I was in college.

I think it was sophomore year, because I was working part time as an assistant at the language lab for foreign exchange students. My charm budget was practically nonexistent, so I got many of my meager makeup purchases at drugstores. I’d purchase one tube of MAC Paramount at the start of the school year, and that would be my one big charm indulgence.


Shelley, my roommate at the time, swore up and down that Clinique Black Honey practically Lipstick was EVERYTHING! — and I agreed. After hearing her gush about it for months, I scraped enough change together to purchase a tube of my own.

Oh, I loved that tube… I wore it every day for two weeks straight (my tube of MAC Paramount started feeling neglected), but then, disaster!

I lost it. At the library, I think.

I’m pretty sure I set it on the counter in the restroom while touching up, and then forgot to put it back in my purse…

I didn’t realize it was gone until later that night when I looked through my book bag.


Have you ever lost a charm product that implied a lot to you?


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